Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Tale of Elevator 44

I got a quick, yet funny, story for ya.
My parents, siblings, husband and I all went to see my grandmother in the hospital one night.  When we were done visiting with her, all six of us got on the elevator.  My little (ahem, 6 foot 3 inch) brother told everyone to jump.  I had always thought that that was how to make your stomach drop.   So when the elevator almost came to a stop everyone but my mom jumped.

And we essentially broke the elevator.  We hit the alarm button on the elevator multiple times and we even called the hospital to let them know.  Oh my word, it was hilarious. 

About an hour and half went by before the security team and Forsyth County Fire Department started talking to us about getting us out.  They explained to us that we were between two floors, so they couldn't just open the elevator doors.  

Next thing we know, a fireman is coming through the roof of the elevator.  He brought a ladder the width of a pencil (well, it seemed like it) with him.  One by one, we crawled out and thanked all the men involved in our "rescue".

Gracious, I love my family.  I love all the mischief we get in and how we laughed for a solid hour and half that night.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Recipe Challenge | 4 & 5

Don't worry, I haven't forgot about my reviews for the last two of my recipe challenge for November. 

Recipe # 4 was one I found from Pinterest.  Looks can be deceiving, ya'll.  I thought these babies looked delicious.. but I personally disliked them.  Colby liked them pretty good.  But I didn't eat more than two stacks of potatoes.. I couldn't.

Recipe # 5 was also surprising.. but in a good way.  It was November 30th, and I was dead set on completing my recipe challenge.  So, I decided to just make the recipe on the back of the lasagna noodles box from Food Lion.  I was skeptical, for no reason.  Maybe because it was genaric brand?  I'm not sure.  But it was a total hit.  It was easy and delicious.  Go Food Cat (as my mama, sister and me call it)!

I am currently high-fiving myself for completing the recipe challenge and already searching for my five new recipes for this month!  Happy Saturday.  Now go eat something delicious and text me the recipe!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Goals

Fa la la la la!  It is indeed the most wonderful time of the year and I so excited to jump in full force into this beautiful Christmas season.  To get the most out of this sweet month, I decided to make some goals.

Decorate for Christmas + write a post about those decorations.
Take 20 minutes before bed to declutter house + do dishes.
Watch less television (okay, less Netflix).. except for Christmas movies.
Only wrap gifts when there is either jolly music playing or a Christmas movie on in the background.
Start talking to Colby about a stern budget for the next year, especially the next couple of months.
Write a personal note with every gift I wrap.
Make + eat gingerbread cookies.
Try five new recipes.
Wear a festive sweater.
Host a small viewing of the southern classic, Steel Magnolias.
Start packing for the next move.