In the past 10 days I have taken more pictures of my foot than I have in my entire life collectively. I had a bunion surgically removed a little over a week ago. Glamorous, I know! I have really wide feet anyway, but the bunion on my right foot made it even more wide -- and let's be honest, it was pretty ugly. It wasn't as bad as anything I saw on Google images.. but regardless ugly. Even though it was ugly, that is not the reason I had it taken off. It was physically restraining. In any active activity, that baby would throb and cause a good amount of pain. It started with high school basketball. Before every game my coach would cut out two doughnut shaped pieces of styrofoam and tape them to both of my bunions (yes, one on each foot.. my left doesn't hurt near as much) before he would tape my ankles.

Okay, wow. I am telling you the history of my bunion agony! Let's just skip to last week! Bunion, gone. Pain, ever so present. I was waited on hand and foot by my husband and my mother pretty much all of last week. It was incredible to have those two people love on me so well. Colby was unbelievable. He brought my coffee to bed, he would literally carry me to the bathroom in the middle of the night when walking on it was too painful, he would massage it at a moment's notice. He was wonderful. My mom worked from my dining room the next two days. Bringing me anything I needed and cooked us supper (well breakfast & lunch too) every day and stocked my pantry, fridge (& freezer with homemade baked ziti and chicken casserole to fix the following week so I didn't have to go to the grocery store!) World's Best Mama Award.

The day my mom couldn't be here, my precious mother-in-law came down to see me and relieve me of my cabin fever. She got me out of the house and rolled the windows down. It was fabulous. My sisters-in-laws were also so incredible at loving me. They brought me magazines, goodies, care packages and a beautiful spaghetti supper!
Ya'll this is like the most minor surgery EVER! And I
had all these people loving on me like it was something super serious.
Golly, I am so blessed. I am officially full weight bearing and I get my bandages
taken off and my post-op boot changed next week. Recovery is going
great and I am so thankful for the continued support!

Earlier this week I spent hours cleaning off thousands and thousands of pictures off my computer. In the process I came across a video that I made for Colby for Valentine's Day a couple of years ago. It was a silly video with a several pictures and a lot of slow-motion video clips from years past. Colby and I watched it on Wednesday of this week and we were reminded how much we love that video. So I suggested that we make a video for our "snow day" the following day! He agreed and I prayed specifically the next morning that Colby would show me grace as I kept a camera in his face for the rest of the day. I AM NOT GOOD AT MAKING THESE, but it seemed like a fun project/challenge that documented our day in a different way than just still frames.
Yesterday was a dream, ya'll. We got up and read Bibles and books. Colby did some work from home, while I lit candles, turned on Pandora and did some wifely duties. Then we played in the snow and saw our nephews and fixed perfect winter lunches. We built an Olympic snowman and built fires and indulged in fresh pumpkin bread and coffee. Seriously, it was a dream.
So while Colby continued to stoke the fire, I threw this baby together last night...
Click to watch our snow day HERE.
PS. Colby & I celebrated Valentine's Day last night considering we thought he was going on a hunting trip this weekend (which got postponed.. go figure!). Colby bought us Country Mega Tickets for the rest of this year's celebrations and holidays (not including anniversary!) -- #tightbudgetprobs #myhusbandisunbelievable.
Valentine's Day is suppose to be about romance and telling people not just that you love them but WHY you love them. So we ate supper in front of the fire place, put a little Boyz II Men Pandora on and we wrote on index cards that I made. Each card had a different line on it.. for example, "I love it when you...", "I feel loved when you...", "You look best in...", ETC. We both wrote on our set of cards and then exchanged. SUPER CHEAP & effective I'd say. Simple, nothing crazy. Yes, we should say these things more often. But sometimes a written note about what your husband loves about you or what you do for him is a super tangible reminder of why you should keep doing those things... BECAUSE HE LOVES IT. I wrote the date on the back of the index cards and I hope that this is a tradition we continue to do for Valentine's Days to come!
Happy Valentine's Day! Now go tell someone WHY you love them!!
It is amazing what you can gather from just spending a hour with someone. I met up with Madison & August one evening in Mount Airy to snap a couple of engagement pictures. Even though I have known Madison for quite sometime, I had never met August before, but I can already see the dynamics of their sweet relationship. August is a gentle but strong leader. August adores Madison, from her mind-of-its-own hair to her wrinkled nose to her genuine love for people and for him.. you can just tell it in his eyes and his constant smile. Madison is a loving, supportive free-spirit. When Madison hugs, she hugs with every fiber of her being, soul & heart. She loves people.
I smiled the whole way home after our time together at White Sulfur Springs. Jesus is doing something crazy good in them and it is so easily reflected in these pictures!
Here's a sneak peek for the future Short's!
Happy engagement season, August & Madison!