Our parents are similar in a bunch of ways. Our parents are also very different in
a bunch of ways. For example, my
mom is a researcher. Our vacations
have always, always, always been phenomenal because the woman does her
research. She sorts through all of
our options and picks the best ones.
She researches different things, sites, attractions, touristy things,
native ventures, etc., to do in those cities or mountains or wherever we
travel. She does all these things
so that we get the most out of the area we visit. And we certainly do.
We get so much out of one trip in a single city, that we feel satisfied
knowing we probably won’t visit that place again. Simmons vacations are the BEST. I’ll have to blog about vacationing with my parents
sometime, because it is such an adventure.

One of the many things that my two mama’s have in common is
their willingness to give.
Seriously. Almost
everything Colby and I have to our name has been given to us, not by wedding
gifts and birthday gifts but from our mama’s. From kitchen supplies to the clothes on our backs, our
mama’s have been taking good care of their babies. My mother-in law will bring a crock pot of roast and sit it in
the kitchen so we don’t have to fix supper that night. My mama, will search North Carolina
high and low to find the peanut butter and string cheese we like the best. We are beyond blessed and we realize
that fully.
Oh, the men we get to call “dad”, are unbelievable. They too are different in a bunch of
ways. For example, my daddy is the
epitome of a Type B personality.
He does not get amped up about anything. Actually, growing up one of the biggest rules we had in our
house was “Now, the main thing is not to get excited.” Simply meaning, there is no reason to
get worked up, we will figure this out.
I love that my dad is extremely flexible and completely laid back. I have rarely seen my dad mad or get
worked up over my 22 years of life and when he was mad it was probably because
I didn’t get a good enough lead to steal second base or because I didn’t shoot
enough three’s in the second quarter.
Tim, my father-in-law, is a very smart man. He likes to analyze everything. I asked him to build this giant table
for the wedding party to sit at during our wedding reception. I told him a couple of vague details,
like “I want a very large, farmhouse table”. I didn’t give him a lot of details, because I didn’t know
them. He researched tables for
weeks. He asked a hundred
questions. How wide of boards do
you want? How thick of legs do you
want? How many people are eating
on it? Do you want these types of boards or these types of boards? Is it okay if I use a jigsaw? After answering his hundred questions
and a couple of weeks later, Tim had created the most beautiful farmhouse
table. He analyzes things for a
reason. He wanted to do the best
work he can do and wanted me to be happy with the results. And I love that table.

So, there is a short summary of why Colby and I are the two
luckiest human beings to ever live.
We have four people who are constantly surrounding us with love and
support, especially as we take on new adventures as broke, blissful newlyweds.
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