Saturday, January 3, 2015

2014 in a nutshell

2014 was such a interesting year for the Scott household.  First of all, we were coming off a crazy busy and fun year of 2013.  Click here to see that year in review.  A lot of moving, a lot of change.

2014, however, was not like the previous year at all.  We started the year in a new city. I struggled to find a job as I awaited the beginning of PA school.  Colby started his new job in January.  So from January to June.. I was a house wife who was overwhelmingly grateful for Netflix.  I didn't blog much because I was so embarrassed I couldn't find a job to entertain me for 6 months (and contribute the grocery bill). So,  I just kind of went into hiding in the blog world... my bad.

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Then PA school started in June.  And who knew you drink from a fire hydrant?  From June to December, I was learning information a mile a minute and life was essentially the same every day.  Colby and I got up at the same time.  We went to bed at the same time.  Colby has an hour commute one way and mine is 45 minutes.  When we got home, I cooked supper and then went into my little study area until we were both ready for bed.  We didn't pursue other relationships really because when we actually had a second to spare... we wanted to spend it with each other.  And we wouldn't have it any other way.  Its been such a giant, giant, giant blessing to be put in situations to focus on just us and our marriage.. setting the foundation for forever.  

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This past year also provided us the opportunity to travel a little bit.  We celebrated one year of marriage on the east coast of North Carolina and have made a couple trips to the mountains of North Carolina throughout the fall and winter.

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Some notable things that happened this year include:  we got a new nephew (May), I had foot surgery (February) and started PA school (June), my cousin got engaged and married (October), Colby got heavy into wood working (built Christmas gifts, a new coffee table, end table, kitchen hutch and serving tray for us!! IN.CRED.I.BLE) and Colby also started working for his old company (January) and got promoted on December 31st (!!)

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I want to get back on the blogging train because I enjoy sharing my heart.  I enjoy bragging on my husband.  I enjoy recording my life.  However, I'm gonna keep showing myself grace in this department as school trumps this little space on the internet for now.  However, I hope to pull out my Canon more this year.  Taking and recording more pictures.. even if its just everyday life.  

As we enter 2015 we are pumped.  Our family has decided on the words "obey and seek wisdom" to be the ones we pursue in the next year.  Blog post on that soon -- with pictures of the print I ordered!

I am personally making some changes in the way I handle stress this year.  I have not handled stress appropriately within the past 6 months and I am so desperate for a change.  So this is a huge goal for me.  Ask my parents, Colby, and even my college roommates.  This change is an absolute must.  Cheers to more worship music and ellipticals. 

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Happy 2015, folks! I hope you make heart-felt resolutions and find good people to help you stick to them!


  1. So glad to see you blogging again!! I know I have definitely missed reading the adventures of the Scotts!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful year indeed! I think of you often when some of our new PAs come through the hospital. Go get em girl!
